Administrative Regulations (ARs) are defined as the processes and procedures that ensure the district operates in alignment with district goals, beliefs, and policy. Regulations do not stand in place of Board policy but must be complied with in accordance with policy BP (Local). ARs are developed by Regulation Development Teams which consist of representatives from each professional level of the organization with final approval by Superintendent’s Cabinet. You can do a page SEARCH for a certain regulation by using your browser search function (Ctrl+F). For more information or for help finding what you are looking for, please contact the Office of Compliance & Data Quality at 979-730-7000.
A - Basic District Foundations (0) B - Local Governance (10) C - Business and Support Services (40) D - Personnel (18) E - Instruction (21) F - Students (33) G - Community and Governmental Relations (11)
BP R-1 Administrative Regulations BQ R-1 District Planning Process BQ R-2 District and Campus Improvement Plan and Strategy Development BQ R-3 District and Campus Improvement Plan Strategy Evaluation BQ R-4 District and Campus Comprehensive Needs Assessment Process BQ R-5 District Program Evaluation Process BQ R-6 District Discretionary Program Selection and Evaluation Process BQA R-1 District Planning and Decision Making-DEIC BQB R-1 Campus Level Planning and Decision-Making Process (CEIC) BX R-1 BISD Board Recognition of Students, Departments, Staff or Community
C - Business and Support Services (40)
CAA R-1 Food Purchasing for Staff CDC R-1 Finance Donations CDC R-2 Major Gifts CE R-1 Budget Amendments CFD R-1 Finance - Sales Tax CH R-1 Technology Purchases CH R-3 Purchasing Guidelines CH R-4 Purchasing-Approved Vendors CH R-5 Non-Travel Employee Reimbursement CH R-6 Travel-Student Meals CH R-7 Purchasing Guidelines Related to Federal and State Notice of Grant Awards CH R-8 Employee Incentive and Awards CK R-1 Carnival Rides/Activities (Bounce Houses, Climbing Walls, Motor Powered Riders, etc.) CKC R-1 Parent Notification of Bomb Threat or Terroristic Threat to Campus or Other District Facility CLA R-1 Game Security and Crowd Management CLA R-2 Brazosport ISD Athletic Sport Camps CLB R-1 Pest Management CLB R-2 Facilities-Custodial Support CO R-1 Child Nutrition-Texas Nutrition Guidelines CO R-2 Child Nutrition-Student/Adult Charge CO R-3 Food Sales at Extracurricular Events and Festivals CO R-4 Summer Nutrition Sites CO R-5 Child Nutrition Catering Services CO R-6 Food Allergies-Food Substitutions CO R-7 Child Nutrition Campus Request for Menu Change for Special Campus Events CQ R-1 Personal Phone Calls CQ R-2 Password Security CQ R-3 Technical Support CQ R-4 Personal Devices CQ R-5 Records Retention-Email CQ R-6 Laptop Security CQ R-7 SchoolMessenger CQ R-8 Technology Service Level Agreement CQ R-9 Email Use CQ R-10 Software Acquisition/Subscription CQ R-11 Virus Protection CQ R-12 Web Filter CS R-1 Facilities-Facility Modification CS R-2 Maintenance and Operation Services Response CW R-1 Naming Consideration for Major Gifts
D - Personnel (18)
DAA R-1 Employee with Reasonable Accommodations DBA R-1 Licensed Specialist in School Psychology Interns & Trainees Employment DBAA R-1 Employment Requirements and Restrictions: Pre-Employment Reviews DC R-1 Request for Adding Staff/Position DC R-3 Employment Advertising and Recruitment DC R-7 Hiring - Temporary Support DEC R-1 Discretionary Leave DEC R-2 Reporting an Absence DEC R-3 Leave & Absences DEE R-1 Employee Travel Guidelines DFE R-1 Resignation/Release from Employment Contract DGBA R-1 Informal Employee Complaint/Grievance Process DH R-1 Employee Documentation & Investigations of Alleged Employee Misconduct DH R-2 Reporting Improper Communication DMA R-1 Professional Development Exchange Days DMA R-2 Professional Learning Requests DNA R-1 Performance Appraisal Evaluation of Teachers T-TESS DPB R-1 Substitute Removal
E - Instruction (21)
EEH R-1 General Education Homebound EF R-1 Instructional Resources - School Libraries EF R-2 Instruction Resources: Use of Videos/Digital Media in Classroom Instruction EFA R-1 Instructional Resources: Use of Supplemental Resources in Classroom Instruction EG R-1 Course Creation and Modification EH R-1 Curriculum Management EHAC R-1 Off-Campus Physical Education Procedures EHBA R-1 Transportation as a Related Service for a Student with Disabilities EHBA R-2 Special Education Case Management EHBAF R-1 Video Cameras in Special Education Classrooms EHBC R-1 At-Risk Entrance and Exit Procedures EHBD R-1 Guidelines for Federal and State Personnel Documentation EI R-1 High School Course Averaging EIA R-1 Academic Grading EIA R-2 Homework Guidelines EIA R-3 Non-Numerical Transfer Grades EIAB R-3 Projects and Long-Term Assignments EIE R-1 Academic Achievement & High School Grade Level Classification EIE R-4 Retention Guidelines EIF R-1 Alternative Graduation Requirements for Non-STAAR Students EK R-1 Testing Programs: Curriculum Based Assessments and Mock STAAR Testing Procedures
F - Students (33)
FD R-1 Foreign Exchange Students FD R-2 Brazos Success Academy Enrollment Process FD R-3 Student Withdrawals FDC R-1 Homeless Student Identification FDC R-2 Student Residency Questionnaire FEA R-1 Administrative Withdrawals FEB R-1 Alternative Official Attendance-taking Time FEC R-1 90% Attendance Rule FED R-1 Attendance Intervention Plan FFC R-1 Foster Care Identification Process FFC R-2 Foster Care School of Transportation Process FFC R-3 Foster Care School of Origin Transportation Process Chart FFC R-5 McKinney Vento Students Withdrawals FFC(XHIBIT) FFEA R-1 Adjustment of Four Year Plans FFF R-1 Safety-Stranger Danger FFF R-2 Crisis Communication Process FFG R-1 Child Abuse and Neglect FFG R-2 Students Not Collected From School At Dismissal Time FFH R-1 Title IX Regulations FFI R-1 Bullying Discipline Process FJ R-1 Fundraising-Students FL R-1 Subpoenas FL R-2 Security of Student Records FMG R-1 Brazosport ISD Trip Request Form FMG R-1 School Trips FNAB R-1 School Student Group, Club or Organizations FNCF R-1 Students Sent to DAEP for Drug Alcohol Related Offenses FNF R-1 Voluntary Student Drug Testing FO R-3 Transitional Services following a DAEP/JJAEP Placement or Student Arrest FO R-4 Transitional Services - Postvention Student Re-Entry Plan Following Behavioral Hospitalization and/or Suicide Attempt FOC R-1 DAEP Placement Process Steps FOD R-1 JJAEP Placement Process
G - Community and Governmental Relations (11)
GB R-1 District and Campus Communication GB R-2 Gameday Photography & Videography GBA R-1 Information Compromise GBBA R-1 Media Communication Regulation GE R-1 Relations with Parent Organizations GKB R-1 Distribution of Information Flyer to BISD Students/Parents GKC R-1 Campus Visitors GKD R-1 Community Relations - Non-School Use of school Facilities GKG R-1 Community Relations School Volunteer Program GRAA R-1 Notification of Arrest GRAA R-2 Threat Assessment