Technology in the Bond FAQs

How much does a mobile device cost?

Proposed Item: Mobile Computing Devices for Students $5.25M

Provide tablets and netbooks to increase student access to technology and preparing to move to online textbooks.

Mobile devices come in many different flavors, with some being capable of much more than others. The range of pricing for the mobile devices that BISD has evaluated is $200-$600 each. This price includes accessories and insurance. The table below explains BISD’s deployment plan if the bond is passed.

  • High School: Devices to be rolled out one grade level per year, one mobile lab per classroom, with a four-year rotation
  • Intermediate: Devices to be rolled out one grade level per year, one mobile lab per classroom, with a four-year rotation
  • Middle: Each middle school will receive 6 mobile labs of 30 devices to be rolled out year one, with a four-year rotation
  • Elementary: Each elementary school will receive 3 mobile labs of 30 devices to be rolled out year one, with a four-year rotation

What is the life expectancy of a mobile device?

The estimated life of mobile device is at approximately 4 years. As shown in the chart above, BISD has planned for a 4-year replacement cycle.

How old is BISD’s current technology?

The average age of a BISD workstation is 6.75 years old. In many cases student stations and teacher stations alike do not have the resources to run today's software effectively. This pie chart shows the number of computers in the district by their current age. Total computers in district: 5,748

Pie chart

How many technology calls does BISD respond to in a year?

For the calendar year of 2011, BISD responded to 4,927 technology calls. This is an increase from a total of 2,317 in 2007. Note in the graph, the number of computer hardware calls (red) increasing in relation to the number of software calls (blue). This is an indication of the machines no longer being able to support current software, in addition to a higher hardware failure rate due to the age of the workstations.

line graph

What are the state requirements for Technology in K-12 education?

The new requirements for technology are outlined on the Texas Education Agencies website at Beyond these requirements the Texas Long Range Plan for Technology 2006-2020 makes recommendations for Texas school districts. We have listed a few of these recommendations below.


Where can I find more frequently asked questions on the Bond?

We have a list of many more questions and answers regarding the bond linked from our main bond page (click the Frequently Asked Questions button). Here is a direct link: More Bond FAQs

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