Random Student Drug Testing

What is Random Student Drug Testing?

Current law allows school districts to implement a drug testing program if students voluntarily agree to participate in a random drug testing program as a condition for their participation in competitive extracurricular activities or to qualify for parking privileges. Student participation in these activities is a privilege and carries a responsibility to set a positive example for fellow students, BISD, and our community by avoiding the use of illegal drugs and/or alcohol. A consent form will require signatures from both the participating and their parent/guardian.

Additionally, parents of students not otherwise participating in the drug testing program may request that their students be included in the program. 

The drug testing program was approved by the Board of Trustees on August 7, 2012.


What are the objectives of the Student Drug Testing Program?

The drug testing program is not intended to be a punitive measure. Rather, the following objectives serve as the foundation for the program:

  • to promote the health and safety of all students,
  • to undermine the effects of peer pressure by providing a legitimate reason for students involved in extra curricular activities to refuse to use illegal drugs,
  • to encourage students who use drugs to participate in drug treatment programs, and
  • eliminate the impact drug and alcohol use has on the learning centers of the brain so that students may achieve their full academic potential.


What is a competitive extracurricular activity?

Competitive extracurricular activities are those that are school-sponsored, school-related, competitive activities including elective offices and participation in clubs, teams, or organizations.


Which students are subject to random drug testing?

All students in grades 9-12 who participate in any competitive extra-curricular activity and/or park a permitted vehicle on campus are subject to the testing program. The following activities and organizations are ones in which the students involved may be subject to drug testing:


Academic Competitions

Parking Permit





Color Guard/Flags


Career and Technology



Art Competition



Drill Team


Student Council

Officers (NHS, Class, Student Council)

One Act Play



Theatre Arts

UIL Math/Science


Who will be performing the drug testing?

Testing will be administered by a third-party vendor, Pinnacle Medical Management. Pinnacle is an independent laboratory that specializes in testing programs. Pinnacle has met all standards for certification as established by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). All testing is conducted by qualified laboratory personnel in accordance with accepted practices and procedures.


How will students be selected for testing?

BISD will provide Pinnacle with a list of all students involved in competitive extracurricular activities and students with parking permits. Pinnacle uses a double blinded random selection list and an alternate list for testing by student ID numbers. 

Is it possible a student could be chosen for drug testing more than once?

Yes, because selection is random and without suspicion.

How often will drug testing be done?

The drug testing is random. There are no set times during the school year for the testing.

What is the process for the drug testing and what method will be used?

Testing is done by urinalysis using accepted immunological screening procedures because it is accurate and reliable. The process includes collection, screening, confirmation and review.


How confidential are the drug testing results?

Pinnacle Medical Management retains control of all student records related to drug-testing and will only communicate information related to a positive test result to the parent/guardian and the designated school district contact.


Does a student need to have a signed consent form from the parent/guardian authorizing participation in the drug-testing program in order to tryout for an activity, run for office or purchase a parking permit?

Yes. Before a student is allowed to participate in any competitive extracurricular activity and/or obtain and/or maintain a permit to park on campus, the student and the parent and/or person otherwise in lawful control of the student must present written consent to the testing. Both the student and the parent must sign the consent form authorizing the student's participation in the drug-testing program.


What happens if a parent or guardian does not consent to testing?

The student will not be able to participate in any competitive extracurricular activity or have parking privileges at a Brazosport Independent School District high school.


What happens if a student refuses to be tested?

Refusal on the part of any student to participate in a scheduled or random drug test shall be considered to have tested positive. Extracurricular activities and/or parking privileges will be lost.


What happens if a student is absent on the day he or she is chosen for testing?

Any student identified for random testing on a given date that, because of illness or any other legitimate reason, leaves school before the test is performed will be included in the next random screen.


What happens if a student tests positive?

Any specimens that test positive are tested again for confirmation utilizing the Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS) testing methodology. Parents are notified to determine if there is a medical explanation for the positive test result. If there is no medical explanation for the positive result, the district is notified. Parent/guardian will be given the opportunity to participate in a conference with the campus principal or designee. The student will receive counseling by the district or must show proof of external counseling. The following will also occur as a result of a positive result:

  • 1st Offense: The student will be suspended from all competitive after school extracurricular activities and/or parking permit privileges for 15 school days.
  • 2nd Offense: The student will be suspended from all competitive after school extracurricular activities and/or parking permit privileges for 30 school days.
  • 3rd Offense: The student will be suspended from all competitive after school extracurricular activities and/or parking permit privileges for one calendar year from the date of the confirmation of the third positive test. The student must consent to a drug test at the end of the year suspension in order to regain eligibility.


For what drugs will students be tested?

Any substance considered illegal by either federal or Texas law or that is controlled by the United States Food and Drug Administration including, but not limited to the following alcohol; amphetamines/methamphetamines (speed, uppers, diet pills); anabolic steroids (performance-enhancing drugs); barbiturates (downers, sleeping pills); bath salts; benzodiazepines (Valium, Librium); cannabinoid (marijuana); cocaine metabolites; hallucinogens (LSD); MDMA (Ecstasy); Methadone; nicotine; opiates (heroin, morphine, codeine); phencyclidine (PCP, angel dust); propoxyphene (Darvon); synthetic marijuana (Spice, K-2). Brazosport ISD reserves the right to test for any and all illegal or controlled substances as determined at the discretion of the district.


What is the process for appeals?

Should a student and/or parent or person otherwise in lawful control of the student elect to appeal a positive test result, the second half of the specimen in question may be tested by a laboratory mutually agreed upon by the student/parent and District. In such cases, the student and/or parent or person otherwise in lawful control of the student shall assume responsibility for payment of all fees related to the second test. A written request to appeal a positive test result must be submitted to the Superintendent or designee within three days of receiving oral notice from the Pinnacle Medical Review Officer or authorized representative of the results.

A student and/or parent or person otherwise in lawful control of the student may appeal a suspension under this policy to the Superintendent's designee by filing a written complaint according to the provisions and time lines as set forth in policy FNG(LOCAL) as related to STUDENT AND PARENT COMPLAINTS.

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