Parent Survey

Parent Survey
Posted on 11/07/2016
This is the image for the news article titled Parent SurveyBrazosport ISD is requesting feedback from parents regarding the school year so far and the EmpowerEd 1 to 1 Initiative (Chromebook deployment to students grades 5-12). We hope all of our parents will take a moment to complete this one-minute survey.

Please complete and submit the survey for each child attending our schools. Just click the Survey graphic below to begin. This link was also sent via email to all parents who have an email address on file with the district. If you did not receive the message, please review and update your contact information through Parent Self Serve on the BISD website to receive future notices and emergency information.

The parent survey will be available until midnight Sunday, November 27, 2016. Thank you in advance for your participation and commitment to the students and staff of BISD!

Parent Survey
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